Olympic culture war, boycott, and you | AWAYION BEAUTY

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The Paris 2024 Olympic committee has sparked significant controversy and anger among various societal groups, both sectarian and nonsectarian. During the opening ceremony, the use of satanic ritual imagery was prominently displayed, openly mocking Christ’s Last Supper, deeply offending believers and nonbelievers worldwide. Moreover, according to conservatives a disturbing display of gender gaslighting has endangered the lives of two biologically female boxers participating in the games, causing widespread concern.

Now, should everyone just get over it since the Olympic committee was apologetic over the opening ceremonies?

Should believers and nonbelievers express their anger and take part in a boycott of the Paris 2024 Olympics? Should they, really?

Examine why both believers and nonbelievers are expressing their anger and potentially taking part in a boycott or denouncement of the Paris 2024 Olympics, in this post. Because every girl in Christ should know.

Super Awesome Side Note: Before we start, understand we will not claim contested truths. And we will refrain from falling into the trap of “teaching man-made ideas as commands from the Creator.”

Out of respect for believers, we will simply acknowledge the multiplicity of views on this subject (the keyword is “acknowledge” and not agree). That said, this is a non-exhaustive list. So use this list to do further research.

Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around about on social media for a while now has finally been revealed… (its also why I have been MIA for a bit… and why I would be in the future… hmm.) Read on after this post for the juicy details.

*Disclaimer: These ideas can help you if you are a believer in Christ. Also, always do further research. Also, the sources for this or any post do not equal a full endorsement of any ministry or evangelist’s, or any individuals, or organizations personal views by Awayion.com.***

TL:DR A quick post glance:

  1. What the olympics is and isn’t + a solution
  2. Controversial women’s boxing game + experimentation with gender (aka sex) roles
  3. To boycott or not to boycott + solidarity

Sound great? Okay, ladies. Let’s start.

1. What the Olympics is and isn’t + a solution


The Olympics began as a pagan ritual in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks believed athletic competitions were a way to honor their gods and seek their favor. The ancient Greeks held these games in honor of Zeus, their king of the gods, and considered them an integral part of religious festivals. Over time, the Olympics evolved into a more secular event, but their origins trace back to their pagan roots. You read that right, the entire event is actually a pagan ritual dedicated to paying homage to pagan deities — not Christ Jesus.

Given this, why was the inclusion of a mocking depiction of Christ’s Last Supper even considered for the opening ceremony display? It is worth noting that the Paris 2024 Olympic committee had to issue an apology for the public perception of this display.

“Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” spokeswoman Anne Descamps told reporters, per the Washington Post. “If people have taken any offense we are, of course, really, really sorry.”(Suggs, 2024).

It is important to acknowledge that, historically, Christ Jesus did not “physically” partake in the pagan Greek religious ritual of the Olympics. This raises the following questions: again, why was the inclusion of a mocking depiction of Christ’s Last Supper even considered for the opening ceremony display? Is this a deliberate attempt to undermine unity among specific societal groups? Could this be seen as the introduction of an anti-Christ society? Is this why people are boycotting?

The origin of the Games and the recent mocking of Christ Jesus raises another question as to why athletic followers of Christ are engaging in this historically pagan ritual. Are these believers disobeying the first commandment of the Decalog by participating in a manner that demonstrates reverence for other gods before the Creator of everything? Or are athletic believers simply competing in the Olympic Games? Technically speaking, are they simply competing? Should they boycott?

It is important to note that the original ancient Olympic committee did not have a historical foundation to follow the moral principles outlined in the Bible, which are based on the belief in the Creator of all things, also known as Christ Jesus, via The Father. But, and this is a significant caveat! As time went on, the influence of apostolic and evangelical teachings on morality in the ancient world could be identified as the building blocks for the evolution of games with higher ethical standards.

Having said that, those who are outraged by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games could argue that the Olympic committee must adhere to a moral foundation that applies to all of humanity. Agree?

Research The book of Act of the Apostles 

RELATED: This is what happens when you tell lies. See this 

2. Controversial women’s boxing game + experimentation with gender (aka sex) roles

OlympicThe events at the Paris 2024 Olympics have brought to the forefront a cultural conflict arising from the experimentation with gender (aka sex) roles, which according to conservatives involves undermining the biological differences between males and females. However, it is important to note that scientific research and nonsectarian sources have already shed light on this matter and provided clarity on the biological differences between males and females. For starters, according to historical biblical accounts, it is believed via the Book of Genesis that God created both males and females biologically different, with the understanding that females were considered to be the lesser of the two. This lesser belief stems from the notion that males are physically stronger than females are.

Super Awesome Side Note: For clarity and brevity the word gender is often used instead of the proper term sex.

In line with Western medical assertions, the Human Genome Project scientists have discovered the biological differences between the biological male and female sex in the human genome. As stated in Steve Parker’s book “The Human Body Book,” along with input from leading medical consultants, a human cell contains a total of 46 chromosomes in its full set. These consist of 22 equivalent pairs, one of each pair derived from the mother and one from the father. They are numbered from 1 (largest) to 22 (smallest). The 23rd pair is the sex chromosomes, XX signifying female and XY signifying male. When colored by chemical stains, dark and pale stripes called banding patterns show up on each chromosome. These allow researchers to “map” the locations of particular genes within the chromosome (Parker et al., The Genome 2007).

The Human Genome Project scientists found the gender (aka sex) of offspring is determined by the two sex chromosomes, numbered as pair 23. In a female, both of these chromosomes are X, and have the same sets of genes. A male has one X chromosome, and the other is the much smaller Y, with male genes. When egg cells form, they each contain an X. When sperm cells form, half their number receive an X, and the other half, a Y. An egg fertilized by an X-carrying sperm has an XX sex chromosome pairing, so the baby is female. If the sperm contains a Y, the pairing is XY, and the baby is male. The gender (aka sex) of offspring is always determined by the father. Gender is determined by the inheritance of sex chromosomes, X and Y (Parker, 2007).

Abnormalities in the sex chromosomes have a less severe effect on the embryo, and there may not be any obvious signs of a problem. A girl with an extra X chromosome or a boy with an extra Y chromosome will probably go unnoticed. However, a boy with an extra X chromosome (XXY) with have Klinefelter syndrome, which becomes apparent at puberty with the failure of secondary sexual characteristics to develop. A girl born with only one X chromosome has Turner syndrome, a condition causing short stature and infertility (Parker, 2007). To summarize, Human Genome Project scientists cited by Parker determine a human’s biological sex by relying on the cells that constitute the human body rather than human emotions.

In summary, as previously mentioned, the medical research findings of the Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, have established that an individual’s sex, whether biologically male or female, is determined by their chromosomes. Again, as scientifically observed and tested, biological males possess a pair of XY chromosomes, while biological females possess a pair of XX chromosomes (Parker et al., The Genome 2007). It is important to note that chromosomes represent a scientific fact and individuals cannot alter or change them.

That said, even the ancient Olympic games committee was aware of the biological differences between males and females. As per Lauren Young, an author at Atlas Obscura.com, women in ancient Greece, much like their modern counterparts, experienced unjust treatment in the Olympic Games. While women were allowed to participate and watch in certain cities, the Games held in Olympia had a strict ban on their involvement. According to Pausanias, a Greek geographer, married women who were caught attending the Olympia Games would face severe consequences, such as being thrown off Mount Typaeum into the river below. Despite the ban, the women in Greece desired to take part in sports, leading them to establish their own version of the Olympics known as the Heraean Games (Young, 2021). Over time the Olympic committee, aware of the biological distinctions between males and females, implemented separate sports divisions for men and women.

Around the same time, the Ancient Greek pagan world dabbled in hedonism, gender role experimentation, and cultural wars. They experimented with gender (aka sex) roles in various ways, as evidenced by the actors in Greek comedy & tragedy plays. To keep it brief, men would often portray women, much like Tyler Perry’s portrayal of the woman Madea in his films/plays, among other male actors throughout cinematic history portraying females.

Speaking of hedonism, the Corinthians, who lived in the port of Corinth in modern-day Greece, were notorious for their excessive hedonism. In fact, being referred to as a “Corinthian” in ancient times was considered an insult even among pagans. Gnarly, eh? The Corinthians reached the pinnacle of their excessive hedonism, leading them to become embroiled in a cultural war. Does this scenario ring a bell? Eh? The Paris 2024 Olympics are showcasing a striking resemblance to history repeating itself, as hedonism, gender role experimentation, and cultural wars take center stage.

Speaking of a repeat of gender role experimentation history, according to the AP news outlet, Angela Carini, an Italian boxer, arrived at the Paris Olympics with the goal of winning a medal in memory of her deceased father and coach. Her father passed away shortly after she participated in the Tokyo Games three years ago. During her recent bout, Carini decided not to continue fighting against her Algerian opponent, Imane Khelif. It is worth noting that Khelif, who is biologically male, was disqualified from last year’s world championships due to failing an undisclosed gender eligibility test (Dampf, 2024). At that, the commencement of a culture war is currently unfolding as two biological men compete for the gold medal in the boxing category designated for biological women!

This raises the following questions: Did the Paris 2024 Olympic committee deliberately ignore the biological distinctions between biological males and females? And if so, why? Is this why people are boycotting the Games? Why is it considered acceptable for a biological male to compete against a biological female in boxing, when outside of this sport, this would be considered a crime? Why are those responsible for organizing societal events deliberately deceiving humanity about the physical differences between biological males and females, as established by modern science and historical biblical accounts? Why are two biological men now vying for the gold medal in Women’s boxing? Is this an attempt to blur the line between male and female, is it? If so, why?

Research Genesis 5:2, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, The book of the Acts of the Apostles 

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3. To boycott or not to boycott + solidarity


Solidarity and the worldwide boycott and denouncement of the Paris 2024 Olympics is already underway among various societal groups, both sectarian and nonsectarian. Influential figures across various fields are expressed their disapproval of the 2024 Paris Olympic opening ceremony. According to The India Express Journalism of Courage, President Donald Trump has expressed his disapproval of the opening ceremony, calling it a “disgrace.”

Trump criticized the performance and said, “I mean, they can do certain things. I thought it was terrible,” he said. “Look, I’m for everybody. I’m very open-minded… but I thought what they did was a disgrace.” (The India Express Web Desk, 2024).

Additionally, President Trump has allegedly stated his intention to prohibit biological males from participating in women’s sports.

Among influential figures expressing their opinions on this matter, investigative journalist and podcaster Tore Maras took to Twitter/X to express her disappointment with the opening ceremonies, specifically the mocking of Christ’s Last Supper and its disrespect for Christians around the world.

It’s not ridiculous @EdKrassen it’s insulting and deserves to be boycotted and ignored.
You know if they mocked Mohammed Paris France would be flat and dented by Muslims.
Christians are humble and allow evil to dance- but not without consequences….
Besides as a Christian I don’t need to defend my God like Jews or Muslims cause my God is
powerful and doesn’t need me to defend Him!- @idontexistTore (Maras, ToreSays®+ 2024).

As of August 4, eight days after the opening ceremonies, the Vatican has also added its voice to those denouncing the offense.

“The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and cannot but join the voices raised in recent days to deplore the offense done to many Christians and believers of other religions,” it said in a press release shared on Saturday, August 3.

“At a prestigious event where the whole world comes together to share common values, there should be no allusions ridiculing the religious convictions of many people. The freedom of expression, which is clearly not called into question here, is limited by respect for others.”(Parkel, 2024).

Even the Supreme Leader of Iran immediately expressed his disapproval of the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony.

“Respect for Jesus Christ (pbuh) is an indisputable, definite matter for Muslims. We condemn these insults directed at the holy figures of divine religions, including Jesus Christ (pbuh),” Khamenei said, in a social media post, on X (Sarkar, 2024).

Khamenei has now joined the ranks of US President Donald Trump, billionaire Elon Musk, and other conservative commentators who believed that the opening ceremony show went too far (Sarkar, 2024).

Despite the increasing demands for boycotts and the numerous condemnations of the Paris 2024 Olympics, there is a noticeable surge in solidarity for women. As of August 1, 2024, there is a growing chorus of women calling for solidarity with Angela Carini in order to support women who have been affected by men participating in women’s sports and intruding into areas traditionally reserved for biological females. In light of this, the Millennials, Gen Z, and the younger generation known as Gen Alphas are uniting in solidarity to support women. They are closely watching legacy media, internet influencers, and even Olympians who have chosen to remain silent regarding the ongoing cultural battle surrounding the inadequate support for biological females. All eyes are on those who are not standing up for women. As a biological woman of faith, I stand in solidarity with women who have experienced harm.

That said, the events surrounding the Paris 2024 Olympics bring up several important questions: Is it appropriate for a biological female athlete to boycott the Olympics after witnessing a biological man competing against a biological woman in boxing? Should outraged consumers support Gold medal Olympians who promote mega-corporation olympic sponsors? Furthermore, as a follower of Christ Jesus, should one consider boycotting the Olympics now that they are aware of its origins and purpose? If you are a nonbeliever, are the 2024 Olympic events that caused harm to many leading you to consider boycotting them?

With that being said, you are now equipped with the facts and questions to contemplate. Based on these facts, the choice of whether to boycott and/or denounce the 2024 Olympics lies entirely in your hands.

Research Ephesians 5:11

RELATED: Know Jesus… no really, do you? See this

Major Takeaways

You now uncovered why believers and nonbelievers are expressing their anger and are potentially participating in a boycott and/or denouncement of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

This post is a part of Inner Beauty, a new addition to Awayion. So make sure you come back for more powerful inner beauty tips.

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May God Richly Bless you, Aubrey

If you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us

Barasso, M. (2023) Paul and Sacred Prostitution in corinth, Biblical Archaeology Society. Available at: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/bible-interpretation/paul-and-sacred-prostitution-in-corinth/ (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Bible hub: Search, read, study the Bible in many languages (2024) Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages. Available at: https://biblehub.com/ (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Dampf, A. (2024) Who is Italian boxer Angela Carini and why did she quit her fight against Imane Khelif?, AP News. Available at: https://apnews.com/article/angela-carini-imane-khelif-boxing-63e9dbaa30f1e29196d4162c72c2babf (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Express Web Desk (2024) Trump slams 2024 Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony, says ‘it was a disgrace’: World news, The Indian Express. Available at: https://indianexpress.com/article/world/trump-slams-2024-paris-olympics-opening-ceremony-says-it-was-a-disgrace-9485285/ (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Maras, T. (2024) ToreSays®+, Telegram. Available at: https://t.me/toresaysPlus/57351 (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Parkel, I. (2024) The Vatican breaks silence on Olympics last supper controversy, Yahoo! News. Available at: https://www.yahoo.com/news/vatican-breaks-silence-olympics-last-183555324.html (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Parker, S. (2007) The human body book: An illustrated guide to its structure, function, and disorders. 1st edn. New York, New York: DK Pub.

Parker, S. et al. (2007) ‘The Genome’, in The human body book: An illustrated guide to its structure, function, and disorders. 1st edn. New York, New York: DK Pub., pp. 30–31.

Sarkar, S. (2024) ‘disgusting’: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei slams olympic opening event over ‘insult to jesus’ amid drag show row, News18. Available at: https://www.news18.com/world/irans-ayatollah-khamenei-slams-olympic-opening-ceremony-for-insulting-jesus-christ-8984401.html (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Suggs, D. (2024) Olympics last supper controversy, explained: Why drag performance during 2024 opening ceremony is drawing backlash, Sporting News. Available at: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/olympics/news/olympics-last-supper-controversy-explained-2024-opening-ceremony/cd6a1ccc666cc8c182ec6244 (Accessed: 05 August 2024).

Young, L. (2021) When Ancient Greece banned women from Olympics, they started their own, Atlas Obscura. Available at: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/when-ancient-greece-barred-women-from-even-watching-the-games-they-started-their-own-olympics (Accessed: 05 August 2024).