Bubble Tea: 3 potential beauty risks? | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
You may know the delightful sensation of sipping on a cool and refreshing Bubble tea (also known as Boba tea). Its vibrant appearance and the delightful aroma of flavors tantalize your senses. However, what you may not know is that this delectable drink has the potential to compromise your beauty.
How, you may wonder?
Explore 3 ways Bubble tea might compromise your beauty in this post. Because every girl should know how this delightful beverage might affect her appearance.
*Disclaimer: Not all Bubble teas are harmful. Always check with your restaurant to see if their tea has all natural ingredients. This post is not to be used as judgement on people who love this beverage. It is F.Y.I. only. As with any health tip or beauty hack, ask your doctor first. Please ask an honest licensed pro. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Blood disorders
- Poor digestion
- Weight gain
Sound wild? Okay, ladies. Let’s start!
1. Gnarly “Milk” | Blood Disorders
First, take a moment to relax and immerse yourself in the world of bubble tea. Picture yourself in a cozy bubble tea shop, surrounded by the delightful aroma of freshly brewed tea. The sound of bubbling tapioca pearls being cooked to perfection fills the air, creating a symphony of anticipation.
As you peruse the menu, the knowledgeable bubble tea aficionados catch your eye. They skillfully craft each bubble tea using only the finest ingredients, including real milk products like almond milk or coconut milk. This ensures a creamy and indulgent experience that is both satisfying and nourishing.
However, behind the scenes, a hidden truth lingers. Some sellers choose to use a questionable substitute called “milk essence.” This concoction may seem harmless, but it harbors a sinister secret. It may contain harmful chemicals, such as trace amounts of arsenic, lead, copper, and other minerals.
The consequences of consuming this tea in large quantities are alarming. It has the potential to wreak havoc on your health, causing heart disease, blood disorders, cancer, and even asthma. These risks not only threaten your well-being but also tarnish your natural beauty.
So, before you take that first sip, be cautious and discerning. Choose a bubble tea made with real milk products, ensuring a delightful and safe indulgence. This knowledge may be gnarly, but it’s essential for both your beauty and wellness.
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2. Toxic Tapioca Balls | Poor Digestion
Some makers of this tea use plastic to make some Tapioca balls, which are not good for maintaining your beauty. But how, you ask?
The addition of mullet protein gives these balls a rubbery texture, thanks to the presence of artificial plastic. This powder is difficult for your liver to eliminate, which is crucial for keeping your skin beautiful. Unfortunately, these plastic balls can be challenging for your liver to eliminate, ultimately damaging your skin.
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3. Zero Nutrients | Weight Gain
According to researchers, bubble tea falls short in terms of nutrients, rendering it unfit to be classified as a health drink.
Alarming studies reveal that overconsumption of this tea poses a significant risk of obesity. To exacerbate matters, certain bubble teas harbor ingredients that contribute to weight gain. But how, you ask?
Some variants boast an excessive amount of high fructose corn syrup, while others include cassava, a root vegetable abundant in pure starch. When consuming this tea, each Tapioca ball contains 7-15 calories, and this value applies to every single ball you consume. Consequently, these ingredients have the potential to jeopardize one’s physical appearance through unwanted weight gain.
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Major Takeaways
You now know 3 ways Bubble tea can potentially steal your beauty.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other ways this tea can be good or bad?
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Caliendo, Mary. "Bubble Tea Dangers?" Tea. Bella Online, 2016. Web. 13 June 2017.