Chia seeds’ beauty benefits? Seriously? — Try this | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Have you ever considered the potential benefits of chia seeds beyond being a trendy Christmas gift? Only to have your mind drift to holiday subjects. Such as every year, without fail, you’ll hear a considerable fuss on social media about how Christmas is a pagan holiday that Believers have overtaken. Wowza!
Tough, huh? I understand. (*wink)
So what are the beauty deets on Chia seeds?
Uncover many Chia seeds’ beauty benefits for you in this post. Because every girl needs a natural beauty hack.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around on social media for a year now has been unveiled… (it’s why I have been MIA… and why I would be MIA in the future… hmm.). Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: This post has zero affiliate links. As with any health tip or beauty hack, always check with your doctor first. Please see an honest licensed pro. And always do further research. We base these tips on the scientific findings of wellness experts & researchers. The sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of their personal views by***
TL: DR A quick post glance:
- Chia is what now… ?
- Glowing Skin
- Prevents Acne
- Fights premature skin aging
- A therapeutic for healthy skin
Sound juicy? Okay, Ladies. Let’s start
1. Chia is what now… ?
Wellness researchers have extensively studied chia seeds, originally cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico. From their research findings we know at full maturity, the plant can tower up to 2.5 meters. We also know the name Chia originated from a native term that translates to “powerful” or “oily,” according to researchers. Now, a few extra deets on chia seeds:
- non-allergenic
- may aid in control of blood glucose
- high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids
- excellent source of protein, calcium, and other vitamins
Now that we know about Chia seeds, let’s dive into their beauty benefits.
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2. Glowing Skin
Fresh, glowing skin is something every girl yearns for. Yes? So, in what way can Chia seeds be beneficial?
Not only are chia seeds a significant source of nutrition, but they can also help to improve the appearance of your skin. The omega-3 fatty acids present in them increase collagen levels, giving your skin a radiant glow. Chia seeds promote skin elasticity and firmness when incorporated into a balanced diet.
With its natural serum, Chia oil is a great way to give your skin a healthy glow from within. By using chia oil, you can support healthy cell function and protect your skin from free radicals.
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3. Prevents acne
Acne can make a girl feel self-conscious and camera-shy. Right? So, how can Chia seeds help in this beauty emergency?
Chia seeds, whether used topically or ingested, can work wonders for the skin. By eliminating excess dirt and bacteria, it effectively stops acne and pimples from forming.
To achieve blemish-free skin, dermatologists and beauty experts suggest using chia seeds. According to Care, Skin, Skin and Naturals (2021), using them can help reduce excess sebum production and leave your skin looking fresh.
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4. Fights premature skin aging
If you want to look young, it’s important to keep your face smooth and hydrated. You don’t want to appear older than you actually are. To prevent this skin issue, consider adding Chia seeds to your diet – here’s why.
Dry skin can lead to premature aging, with fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet becoming a concern. Chia seeds, rich in vitamin E, provide moisture to the inner layer of the skin, preventing premature aging. Chia seeds are excellent at retaining moisture, thanks to their ability to lock it in from the inside. In addition, Chia can help combat signs of aging by providing a radiant, youthful glow to your skin.
You can also fight premature aging by applying chia seed oil to your body regularly. By doing so, you can effectively moisturize dry skin areas like elbows and knees, leaving them feeling soft and supple.
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4. A therapeutic for healthy skin
Dealing with skin infections can be frustrating, especially when it affects your appearance. Bummer, eh? So, what steps can Chia take to ease this skin concern?
Chia seeds are a significant source of zinc, which makes them the perfect antioxidant for keeping the skin healthy and free of bacterial and fungal infections. What’s more, it actively promotes the growth of new skin cells while repairing the old ones.
Ah, the allure of fancy beauty benefits.
Super Awesome Side Note: These wellness tips are only for your decernment and consideration.
Major Takeaways
You now uncovered many Chia seeds’ beauty benefits.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other Chia seed beauty benefits?
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Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here.
If you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us! 🙂
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Care, N., Skin, 6., Skin, 6. and Naturals, G., 2021. Chia Seeds For Skin – Uncover 6 Amazing Benefits of Chia Seeds For Glowing Skin @MyBeautyNaturally. [online] MybeautyNaturally. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 October 2021].
Conover, M. (2011). CH-CH-CH-CHIA SEEDS FOR INQUIRY. Science Scope, 34(8), 20–24. [Accessed 8 October 2021].