The truth about popular plastic bottled water | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Put that plastic water bottle down — your health and the environment will thank you!
Unless you’re sipping from a glass container, the water you’re drinking is full of some pretty rad & questionable chemicals. I do not mean ‘rad’ in a good way.
So why should you stop drinking from plastic water bottles?
Unearth 4 eye-opening gnarly facts about plastic water bottles in this post before you take another sip. Because every girl should know what she is drinking.
*Disclaimer: As with any health tip or beauty hack, ask your doctor first. Please ask a honest licensed pro. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Are we secret lab rats?
- Let’s get chemical… chemical 🎶
- Leaky plastic bottled water
- The Good News
Sound awesome? Okay, ladies. Let’s start!
1. Are we secret lab rats?
For starters, chances are you did not agree to have foreign plastic substances ingested in your body like a laboratory mouse. Yet. Every day, when you take a sip from a plastic water bottle, it’s like they have reduced you to the life of a lab rat. Gnarly, eh?
How so, you ask? Well, some plastic water bottles contain chemicals called plasticizers, unless labeled stating they do not. Plasticizers come in two primary forms: — Polycarbonate plastics and the more common polyvinyl chloride plastics (PVC). Do you really want to drink plastic?
Why is this bad, you ask? They manufacture PVC with the addition of BPA, a chemical compound that leaches into your water. To keep this article brief, I won’t go into detail about how dangerous BPA can be for your body. I suggest you do your own research. In the meantime, here’s a quick quote from National Geographic on BPA:
“Thousands of studies show “overwhelming evidence of harm” from chemical used in plastics, yet it remains unregulated. Identified as an endocrine disruptor, BPA has been linked to breast and ovarian cancer, as well as immune, thyroid, and metabolic issues.” — National Geographic on BPA (Arnold, 2023)
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2. Let’s get chemical… chemical🎶
I may not persuade you of the potential dangers of the toxins found in some plastic water bottles… not yet, at least. That said, are you familiar with the gas methane? No? Well, after consuming beans, you’ll notice a noxious methane gas emanating from your body! Did I just jog your memory?
Anyway, the chemical polyethylene terephthalate (PET), found in most plastic water bottles, comprises methane. Studies show PET found in some plastic water bottles is hormone-disrupting.
This hormone disrupting chemical (PET) has proven to be a major health hazard, leading to infertility, premature puberty, asthma, allergies, menstrual cycle irregularities, and even breast cancer (Sax, 2010). Wowza!
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3. Leaky Plastic Bottled Water
Researchers have revealed that drinking water from some plastic bottles made of polystyrene plastic can result in BPA and other chemicals entering the water. Consequently, this chemical is used to manufacture the most plastic water bottles. Wild, eh?
WATCH NOW: See the cute YouTube video we made about this topic. See this
4. The Good News
The jury is still out on the benefits of ingesting harmful chemicals that have leached into some plastic bottled water.
Some water companies have begun to label their bottles as being free from chemicals. So they are not all bad. To be on the safe side, if you’re currently drinking from a plastic bottle, make the switch to a glass reusable option – it’ll make a world of difference! Happy water drinking! Yay!
RELATED: Is plain water better than juice? Really, is it? Read this
Major Takeaways
Now you have unearthed 4 eye-opening gnarly facts about drinking from plastic water bottles.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Do you know of more plastic water bottle dangers?
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Arnold, C. (2023) What BPA can do to our bodies-and how to limit your exposure, Science. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2023).
Sax, L. (2010) Polyethylene terephthalate may yield endocrine disruptors, Environmental health perspectives. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2023).
Marchese, M., ND. (n.d.). The truth about plastic water bottles. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from