3 Rules For Powerful Friendships | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
You desire awesome friendships.
We all do.
And if you are a believer in Christ, then you may have struggled with finding and keeping genuine friendships.
So, how can you win friends and influence people?
In this post, discover 3 rules for powerful friendships. This could make your current and future friendships the greatest thing ever.
*Disclaimer: These tips could help you if you are a believer in Christ. Also, always do further research. Also, the sources for this or any post do not equal a full endorsement of any ministry or evangelist’s personal views by Awayion.com.**
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Acceptance
- Honesty
- Acknowledgement
Sound good ladies? Okay, let’s start!
1. Acceptance
First of all, acceptance is the number one thing we all crave. To keep or make powerful friendships you must accept your friend for who they are. Not who you want them to be.
We live in a world where the lack of moral acceptance reins. This issue is creating extreme self-promotion and selfishness. This is possibly the main use for most of the social media apps. People are developing unhealthy obsessive compulsive behavior patterns. In order for total strangers to like their mundane everyday lives. It’s so bad that people are not aware that they are participating in the lust of the flesh and pride of life. Only to experience pseudo acceptance.
Now, you could help a friend overcome pseudo acceptance bondage, when you accept them. Thus, making your friendship something they will cherish and love.
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2. Honesty
Moreover, powerful and long-lasting friendships need honesty. I am not referring to honesty only during good times. I am talking about raw honesty. The kind that will correct you in love when you are wrong.
Lying is sin and it will permanently damage any friendship. So, it is best to remain honest even if the truth hurts a bit. Have you heard that they will deceive every one his neighbor, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies; they weary themselves to commit iniquity?
Your honesty will make your pals value your friendship. And it will make your friendship genuine (aka real).
3. Acknowledgment
Furthermore, acknowledgment will skyrocket your friendships making them the best friendships ever.
You know what it feels like for someone to actually listen to you. It feels amazing, right? You know that zeal you get when someone from customer service really helps you. Totally rad, huh? What better feeling could you give your friends than acknowledgement? Especially in a world that is extremely self-obsessed.
Now, acknowledgment comes in many forms. One way to acknowledge your friends is to turn your mobile off when you gals hang out. Just do it. And your pals will love you for following the rule of acknowledgment.
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Major Takeaways
You now know 3 rules for powerful friendships.
This post is a part of Inner Beauty, a new addition to Awayion. So make sure you come back for more powerful inner beauty tips.
Do you have rules to create powerful friendships?
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Jeremiah. Jeremiah 9:5 Friend Deceives Friend, and No One Speaks the Truth. They Have Taught Their Tongues to Lie; They Weary Themselves with Sinning. Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 01 June 2017.