This is guaranteed to block your blessings. Fix that — Do this | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Are you tired of watching other people receive blessings? Blessings you have been believing God for forever? Like you prayed for a friend to get married — only to see their marriage blessings manifest — while your marriage prayers stay unanswered.
By experiencing this and complaining to everyone about your problem — you don’t realize you are blocking your blessings.
So what can you do?
In this post, discover how to stop your blessings from being blocked. Because every girl in Christ should enjoy blessings that don’t bring sorrow.
Super Awesome Side Note: This is not snake oil. This post identifies ways to unblock desired blessings. Know our Heavenly Father only answers desires if you delight in Him and it’s His Will for you.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around on social media for a few months now is revealed… (it’s why I have been MIA for a bit…). Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: These tips could be helpful. Especially if you are a believer in Christ. Always do further research. The sources for this or any post do not equal a full endorsement of any ministry or evangelist’s personal views by***
TL: DR A quick post glance:
- Murmuring and complaining can block your blessings
- Prayer and Praise
- Expect desired outcome
Sound juicy? Okay, Ladies. Let’s start!
1. Murmuring and complaining can block your blessings
For starters, these actions are sin.
So, how can you fix this problem — and unblock your desired blessings?
You can start following the actions of someone who avoided murmuring and complaining, such as Hannah when she was barren.
Instead of indulging in the wrong behavior of murmuring and complaining — Hannah travailed (1 Samuel 1:10), thanked our Heavenly Father for blessing her womb in advance, and dedicated her future first born to The Father. These actions brought her success and motherhood she desired. Why is that so great? Well, had she started murmuring and complaining — she may have died barren — get it?
You must stop murmuring and complaining — and start cultivating the right behaviour — to unblock your desired blessings.
Research ❤ 1 Samuel 1-20
RELATED: Do others treat you like a doormat? See this
2. Prayer and Praise (A solution)
Prayer and praise can unblock your blessings.
How does this look in reality?
As stated above, Hannah travailed (1 Samuel 1:10), thanked our Heavenly Father for blessing her womb in advance, and dedicated her future first born to The Father. She engaged in prayer and praise — believing The Father answered her prayers.
That said, you must know you will receive your desired blessing despite how it looks in the natural. You must fill your mind with Scripture that aligns with this truth. Otherwise you could fall into the trap of blocking your blessings — especially if you don’t believe you have what you ask.
Research ❤ Mark 11:23-24
RELATED: Feeling defeated? Try this
3. Expect desired outcome (A solution)
Expecting your desired outcome helps unblock blessings.
How does this look in reality?
As stated above, Hannah thanked our Heavenly Father for blessing her womb in advance, and dedicated her future first born to The Father. She expected The Father answered her prayers.
Sometimes when blessings do not occur in your timing — you face discouragement. To stop discouragement, think on why you are not expecting your blessings.
Be strong in faith as Hannah and expect your desired outcome.
Research ❤ 1 Samuel 1:17-18
Major Takeaways
You now know how to stop your blessings from being blocked.
This post is a part of Inner Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other ways to unblock your blessings?
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Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here
If you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us!
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- Wisdom (2020). Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 2020]. 2020. Murmuring, Grumbling And Complaining. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 December 2020].