Carbonic Acid Shampoo? For healthier hair? Yes! – See this | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Ladies, are you frustrated with your regular shampoo? Have you noticed hair loss, hair damage, and/or a dry scalp?
What can you do?
In this post, discover carbonic acid shampoo and its benefits. Because every girl deserves to know the deets on carbonic shampoo.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around on social media for a few months now has been unveiled… (it’s why I have been MIA…). Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: This post has zero affiliate links. As with any health tip or beauty hack, always check with your doctor first. Please see an honest licensed pro. And always do further research. We base these tips on the scientific findings of wellness experts & researchers. The sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of their personal views by***
TL: DR A quick post glance:
- So what is carbonic acid shampoo.. ?
- How does it work… ?
- Wait these are the benefits…
Sound juicy? Okay, Ladies. Let’s start!
1. So what is “carbonic acid shampoo” … ?
For starters, carbonic acid shampoo is, as the name suggests, a shampoo made with carbonic acid (Ng, 2022).
This shampoo is an effective sebum accumulator and dirt remover from the roots of your hair which in turn promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth. This occurs because when your scalp is clean, the pores are unclogged which helps to keep your scalp nourished and allows hair to grow at a faster rate (Ng, 2022)
The most acidic form of this shampoo is safe and has a pH balance of 5.5. Natural plant extracts produce carbonic acid used in this type of shampoo. Thus, researchers claim it has no harmful chemical composition (Jessica, 2021).
Now we have our definition of “carbonic acid shampoo” — let’s explore how it works and its benefits.
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2. How does it work… ?
We know that regular shampoo produces mild foam, but carbonic acid shampoo creates rich foam and provides a fresh feeling with many bubbles generated from the shampoo itself (Jessica, 2021).
This shampoo works by breaking down the hair’s cuticle, allowing the shampoo to penetrate the hair shaft better and clean it (Ng, 2022). Researchers claim this shampoo works better than other shampoos at removing buildup from hair products and environmental pollutants.
That being said, again researchers claim this shampoo is safe to use. Yet, some people may experience scalp irritation after using this shampoo — because of the carbonic acid causing dry scalp. If you do experience scalp irritation, you can try using a conditioner after you shampoo or using a shampoo that is designed for sensitive scalps (Carter, 2022).
Researchers claim your hair will be silky smooth after use of this shampoo — because of its ability to rid your hair of dirt and sebum, and improve the blood circulation of your scalp — better than regular shampoo. They boast, you can expect positive results when you set, color and even perm your hair (Jessica, 2022).
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3. Wait these are the benefits…
Carbonic acid shampoo has a plethora of benefits for both hair and scalp health. It’s a natural way of reducing dandruff, moisturizing the scalp, increasing circulation for fuller hair, strengthening hair and unclogging follicles (Ng, 2022).
That being said, some researchers consider the following as benefits of this shampoo usage:
- Promotes fuller + thicker + bouncier hair
- Blocks hair loss or thinning hair
- Stimulates hair growth
- Unclogs hair pores
- Reduces excess sebum production
- Increases blood circulation in hair follicles + repairs damage
- Improves overall look + feel of hair
- Protects damaged hair + improve the hair texture
- Keeps the moisture in hair to keep it healthy + glossy
- Cleanses + gives nutrients to the scalp
- Supplies oxygen to the scalp for ultimate freshness
Now you know of this shampoo — want to try it out yourself?
RELATED: Got curly hair problems? Fix that – Try this
Major Takeaways
You now know a bit about carbonic acid shampoo and its benefits.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
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Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here.
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Carter, A. (2022) Carbonic acid shampoo guide: All you need to know, Hair Spies. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).
COVO (2022) Carbonated spring water, Hair salon COVO. COVO. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).
Jessica (2021) Everything to know about carbonic acid shampoo, Shampoo Advice. Shampoo Advice. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).
Ng, J. (2022) Does carbonic acid shampoo work? top full guide 2022, resTORbio. resTORbio. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).