Coconut Oil Beauty Hacks Revealed | Awayion Beauty
Hi, Friends!
Are you exhausted and frustrated with the sight of dark circles under your eyes, rough feet, or unruly and frizzy hair?
If so, you need to know how coconut oil can put an end to some of your beauty woes.
But how, you ask?
Discover the amazing benefits of coconut oil for your beauty routine in this post. Because every girl discovers the transformative power of coconut oil, bidding farewell to endless searches for beauty hacks elsewhere (*ideally, wink-wink).
*Disclaimer: This post contains zero affiliate links. As with any health tip or beauty hack, always check with your doctor first. Please see an honest licensed pro. Always do further research. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness experts & researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any of their personal views by***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Say Bye To Panda Eyes
- Enjoy Soft & Lovely Feet
- Hello Frizz Free Hair
Sound fabulous? Okay, ladies, let’s start.
1. Say Bye to Panda Eyes with Coconut Oil
Coconut oil, with its soothing scent and silky texture, becomes your savior as you battle the pain of concealing those dreaded panda eyes. The daily routine of applying eye makeup and haphazardly removing it can lead to the unsightly, dark circles and irritated skin that plague your delicate eye area.
But fear not, for coconut oil comes to the rescue. As you gently massage the oil onto your tired eyes, you feel its smoothness effortlessly breaking down the stubborn, water-resistant ingredients of your mascara and eyeshadow. The oil’s touch brings relief as it releases the makeup from your skin and eyes.
With this fancy hack in your beauty arsenal, you bid farewell to the embarrassment of resembling a fluffy panda bear in the morning, bringing back your confidence and radiance. Ladies, rejoice, for coconut oil saves the day!
SUPER AWESOME SIDE NOTE: The “Panda eyes” I am referring to are dark circles under your eyes. Not the wickedness done to the innocent.
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2. Enjoy Soft & Lovely Feet
Coconut oil, with its luscious texture and tropical aroma, unveils a delightful secret to achieve beautiful feet. Fancy, eh? But how, you ask?
This fascinating oil forms a breathable shield, enveloping your tired feet in a soothing embrace, preserving their moisture, and shielding them from dehydration (Palmer’s, 2018).
To unlock the full potential of this beauty hack, generously apply coconut oil to your feet before bedtime. Slip into a cozy pair of plush socks, and as you drift into slumber, feel the oil seep into your skin, leaving behind a velvety sensation. And when morning arrives, behold the enchanting transformation — your feet, now irresistibly soft and lovely. Isn’t it simply marvelous?
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3. Hello Frizz-free Hair
With this amazing beauty hack, you can bid farewell to those pesky frizzy hair days.
Picture this: after you’ve had a refreshing shower, close your eyes and imagine the gentle scent of coconut oil filling the air. As you massage the luxurious oil into the mids & ends of your hair, you feel the silky smooth texture between your fingertips. You can now look forward to enjoying hair that is not only smoother but also completely free from frizz.
This extraordinary effect is all thanks to the natural oils in coconut oil, which act as a shield, repelling water from entering your hair shaft (Palmer’s, 2018).
Fancy, huh?
RELATED: Want luxurious hair? Try this
Major Takeaways
You now discovered the amazing benefits of coconut oil for your beauty routine.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other beauty uses for coconut oil?
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Palmer's, W. (2018). 10 Beauty Hacks Using Coconut Oil. [online] Women's Health UK. Available at: [Accessed 17 Jul. 2018].