Before You Start Exercising To Lose Weight – Do This | Awayion Beauty
Hi, Friends!
How many times have you tried exercising to losing weight, then fail?
You feel defeated. Your food baby is permanent.
How can you get a perfect body?
Imagine knowing the guaranteed way to get a perfect body based on exercising for your body type.
Fancy, huh?
In this post, discover how exercise based on your body type. Because every girl deserves know how to look gorgeous and get fit.
Super Awesome Side Note: You cannot spot remove any problem area via a weight loss program. These are tips to add to your overall weight loss journey. That said, this is a non-exhaustive list. So use this list to do further research.
*Disclaimer: As with any health tip or beauty hack, always check with your doctor first. Please see an honest licensed pro. And always do further research. This post contains zero affiliate links. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness experts & researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any of their personal views by***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Pure Ectomorph Exercise Tips
- Superb Mesomorph Exercise Tips
- Excellent Endomorph Exercise Tips
Sound delightful? Okay, ladies, let’s start.
1. Pure Ectomorph Exercise Tips
You crave having muscles yet your body is long and lanky. You can be known as skinny fat.
♥ Do not skip meals to restrict calories, you already have a high metabolism. Restricting calories will make you fat and slow your metabolism.
♥ You need muscle mass to burn fat. Strength training is the key to your success. Train at least 3 times per week. Do cardio only 2 times per week and 30-45 minutes per session. And get proper rest.
♥ Avoid isolation exercises and do compound exercises (engage multiple muscles at once) for dramatic results.
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2. Superb Mesomorph Exercise Tips
Your body is athletic. It reacts well to exercise and your metabolism is high, still you wish to lose more weight.
♥ Eat a high protein diet. You already have a high metabolism. To keep your high metabolism make better choices with your diet. To get your perfect body, eat 40% lean protein, 30% healthy fats, and 30% plant-based complex carbs daily.
♥ You need to keep your workouts short and intense to burn fat. Interval training is the best for your body. HIIT workouts will help you get a perfect body. Train at least 3-5 times per week. And get proper rest.
RELATED: You have back fat & arm fat? Fix that – See this
3. Excellent Endomorph Exercise Tips
Your body is bigger through the hips and thighs. You yearn to lose weight, but you gain it awfully quick.
♥ Use discipline for your diet. Eat mostly plant-based complex carbs daily. Avoid food and beverages with a high glycemic index.
♥ Get proper rest because your body does not cope with stress well. A lack of sleep causes stress levels to spike and excess fat to stick to you like glue.
♥ You need muscle mass to burn fat. Add body weight exercises to your regimen. Strength train only your upper body 2 times per week. Use your strong lower body to do conditioning workouts 2-3 times per week
RELATED: Want food that burns calories, eh? See this
Major Takeaways
You now know how to lose weight fast to get your perfect body.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other ways to lose weight naturally?
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Language of Desires. (2018). How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly For All Body Types. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Dec. 2018].