5 vital reasons to forgive when you don’t feel you should | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Forgiving someone is the toughest thing one can ever do, the toughest challenge in the world.
Especially towards someone you believe doesn’t warrant your forgiveness.
You can think of a million, no a billion, no a trillion reasons you don’t have to forgive them; the list would stretch on forever.
So, why should you?
In this post, uncover 5 convincing reasons you should forgive when you don’t feel like it. Because every girl in Christ should have grace and extend forgiveness.
SUPER AWESOME SIDE NOTE: In case you are unfamiliar with the term “forgiveness”, it means not holding a grudge and not seeking revenge against someone who harmed you. (Also see Matthew 6:14-15)
Super Awesome Side Note: Before we start, understand we will not claim contested truths. And we will refrain from falling into the trap of “teaching man-made ideas as commands from the Creator.”
Out of respect for believers, we will simply acknowledge the multiplicity of views on this subject (the keyword is “acknowledge” and not agree). That said, this is a non-exhaustive list. So use this list to do further research.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around about on social media for a while now has finally been revealed… (its also why I have been MIA for a bit… and why I would be in the future… hmm.) Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: These ideas can help you if you use self-control. And these tips could help you if you are a believer in Christ. Also, always do further research. Also, the sources for this or any post do not equal a full endorsement of any ministry or evangelist’s personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Your sins are forgiven by our Creator
- You do not want to be judged
- You want forgiveness from others
- You do not want to be punished for your failures
- You want your prayers answered
Sound great? Okay, ladies. Let’s start.
1. Your sins are forgiven by our Creator
If you are a saint, you have already heard this message. But a gentle reminder never hurts. Right?
Our Heavenly Father sent His only Son (Messiah Yeshua, aka Christ Jesus of Nazareth) as a living sacrifice. Without Yeshua’s sacrifice, we bear the weight of guilt for the sins we have committed. That “weight” equals damnation. That being said, because your sins are forgiven, it is not right to be unmerciful to others.
Have you heard that we are to be forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man has a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do you? Tough pill to swallow — when the offense is something gruesome — and from a “believer.” But the truth hurts sometimes. So, keep in mind that you must forgive.
Remember, Christ’s sacrifice for our sins means we can avert our trip to Hell. Harsh? I know. Thank our Heavenly Father for His Son’s sacrifice.
Research ❤ Colossians 3:13, John 3:16
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2. You do not want to be judged
You don’t want to feel the crushing weight of judgement when you have a major fail (or screw up). You search for mercy, feeling that your correction should come with love and understanding. The feeling of being condemned isn’t something you desire (Psst… nor does anyone who is sane).
Since you do not want harsh judgement but forgiveness when you fail — why not extend the same treatment to someone who hurt you?
Have you heard do not judge and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned? If not, ponder the raw advice conveyed in the original language of the verse.
Research ❤ Luke 6:37
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3. You want forgiveness from others
You desire the sound of the words, “I forgive you,” after you’ve hurt someone. You want others to forgive you for your flaws, so why not recall that everyone has their own flaws? Could it be that they also need to be forgiven?
That being said, ponder the raw advice conveyed in the original language of the verse: “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven”? So what does it mean to you? Here’s a hint, acknowledge others flaws, then sow forgiveness, so you can reap it back.
Research ❤ Matthew 18:21
RELATED: Know Jesus… no really, do you? See this
4. You do not want to be punished for your failures
You make mistakes, and that’s ok — we all do. That being said, it’s so easy to make the person who hurt you (mistakenly or not) feel like they are insignificant and worthless. And when you believe someone is worthless, it’s easy for you to punish them for their failures.
That being said, you have a great sense of self-respect, so you can’t bear the idea of being held accountable for your mistakes. When you fail, you don’t want to feel the weight of negative thoughts. Care to take a guess what I’m about to say? Neither does anybody else.
Have you heard that He (our Creator) does not punish us as we deserve… or repay us according to our sins and wrongs? Sobering reason to forgive others, eh? Should you treat others in the same manner?
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5. You want your prayers answered
Refusing to forgive those who have wronged you can have disastrous consequences. When you do not forgive, it’s as if you are sending your prayers to our Heavenly Father into a deep abyss, never to be heard.
Have you heard when you stand and pray, forgive offenses you may have against anyone? So your Father in heaven will forgive the wrongs you have done? Convincing reason to forgive, eh?
Research ❤ Psalm 103:10
Super Awesome Side Notes: Forgiving is a command from our Creator. If the offense is dangerous, remember – forgiveness does not mean you continue a relationship with the offender. Forgiveness does not let the offender off the hook. They must seek forgiveness. They will face judgment and punishment from our Heavenly Father. Guaranteed.
Major Takeaways
You now uncovered 5 convincing reasons you should forgive when you don’t feel like you should.
This post is a part of Inner Beauty, a new addition to Awayion. So make sure you come back for more powerful inner beauty tips.
Know of other reasons why you should be forgiving?
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Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here
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Colossians 3:13 Bear with Each Other and Forgive One Another If Any of You Has a Grievance against Someone. Forgive as the Lord Forgave You. Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
Luke. Luke 6:37 "Do Not Judge, and You Will Not Be Judged. Do Not Condemn, and You Will Not Be Condemned. Forgive, and You Will Be Forgiven. Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
Matthew. Matthew 18:21: Then Peter Came to Jesus and Asked, "Lord, How Many times Shall I Forgive My Brother or Sister Who Sins against Me? Up to Seven Times?" Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
Matthew. Matthew 18:22: Jesus Answered, "I Tell You, Not Seven Times, but Seventy-seven Times. Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
Mark. Mark 11:25 And When You Stand Praying, If You Hold Anything against Anyone, Forgive Them, so That Your Father in Heaven May Forgive You Your Sins." Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
Psalms. Psalm 103:10 He Does Not Treat Us as Our Sins Deserve or Repay Us According to Our Iniquities. Bible Hub, n.d. Web. 18 May 2017
Ortiz, Sarah. "6 Bible Verses to Help Forgive Someone Who Hurt You." Http://blog.bible. American Bible Society, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 18 May 2017.