3 easy survival hacks that prevent Netflix & Chill | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Girls who succumb to guys’ Netflix & Chill invitations often regret their decision; the date usually ends up being a farce.
If you know the true meaning of Netflix & Chill, chances are, the images that fill your mind are not exactly pure. So, if you are a lady who desires purity and a godly marriage, you can stop these dates from happening to you.
Check out this post for 3 great tips to help you avoid a Netflix & Chill night. Because every girl in Christ should know how to flee fornication.
***These survival hacks could save you from slipping into old secular ways of dating. Which do not align with The Living Word.***
Super Awesome Side Note: Before we start, understand we will not claim contested truths. And we will refrain from falling into the trap of “teaching man-made ideas as commands from the Creator.”
Out of respect for believers, we will simply acknowledge the multiplicity of views on this subject (the keyword is “acknowledge” and not agree). That said, this is a non-exhaustive list. So use this list to do further research.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around on social media for a few months now – is revealed… (it’s why I have been MIA for a bit…). Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: These tips could help you if you are a believer in Christ. Also, this post is not about binge watching Netflix. This is about the slang meaning of “Netflix and Chill”. Also, always do further research. Also, the sources for this or any post do not equal a full endorsement of any ministry or evangelist’s personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Know your worth
- Invite a friend
- Get a new guy
Sound tantalizing ladies? Okay, let’s start!
1. Know your worth
To prevent experiencing a Netflix & Chill date, you must understand the value of your own worth. Godly ladies are more precious than the most expensive of gems. They are not prostitutes serving a “John.”
A guy offering to Netflix & Chill with you is a sign that he isn’t concerned about your worth. He is concerned with you fulfilling his sexual needs. You must discern if he is truly a godly man — and whether this request from him shows signs he’s struggling in his faith. Or he just isn’t godly. That said, only a godly man holds a godly lady in high regard, thinking of her as someone fit to be courted and married.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking he (Netflix & Chill guy) imagines your future wedding day — or any future dates with you. He’s only thinking of another bout of sexual gratification from you. (Raw? I know.)
Research ❤ Proverbs 3:15, Proverbs 18:22
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2. Invite a friend
You can stop any Netflix & Chill date by bringing along a friend (or several) to go with you. This is an impressive way to guarantee young ladies like you stay safe. As a bonus, this can shield your chastity (psst… and health) as you uncover a guy’s intentions.
With that said, try this survival hack with any guy suggesting Netflix & Chill. Tell him your encounters with him outside of a courtship include other people tagging along with you.
Trust me, you will sink his battleship when you counter his Netflix & Chill suggestion — with this survival hack. You will see his true intentions towards you.
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3. Get a new guy
You can avoid any potential Netflix & Chill situation by getting a new guy. A godly guy who honors your purity — and appreciates your modest walk. A godly guy who can relate to your spiritual journey.
So, tell Netflix & Chill guy to “kick rocks” and then find a guy who lives his faith. Don’t be concerned; there is no scarcity of good men on Earth. God filled the world with over a billion guys, each with his own unique faith journey. Most are men of moral character, hoping to commit to a godly lady in marriage.
A godly guy will not compromise your moral standards by suggesting a Netflix & Chill situation. He knows that the suggestion is for fornication. That being said, if you’re with a guy right now who just wants to Netflix & Chill, it’s time to move on and find a man who respects you and avoids sexual immorality.
Research ❤ 1 Corinthians 6:18
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Major Takeaways
You now know 3 ways to prevent a Netflix & Chill situation from happening before marriage.
This post is a part of Inner Beauty, a new addition to Awayion. So make sure you come back for more powerful inner beauty tips.
Know of other ways to prevent a Netflix & Chill situation before marriage?
Quick save this pin (psst… it’s FREE) from Awayion’s Inner Beauty Tips & Quotes Board on Pinterest: @Awayion
Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here.
If you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us!
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Kingjamesbibleonline.org. (2018). King James Bible. [online] Available at: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/.
1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from Sexual Immorality. All Other Sins a Person Commits Are Outside the Body, but Whoever Sins Sexually, Sins against Their Own Body. Bible Hub, biblehub.com/1_corinthians/6-18.htm.
Proverbs 3:15 She Is More Precious than Rubies; Nothing You Desire Can Compare with Her. Bible Hub, biblehub.com/proverbs/3-15.htm.
Proverbs 18:22 He Who Finds a Wife Finds What Is Good and Receives Favor from the LORD. Bible Hub, biblehub.com/proverbs/18-22.htm.