What are Dioxins? 3 Hidden Facts You Need to Know | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
Are you conscious of the vibrant glow of your health and the radiant beauty that emanates from within? Can you hear the whispers of caution about hidden contaminants known as Dioxins, lurking in the shadows, waiting to harm your well-being and outer allure?
If you find yourself perplexed by these mysterious foes and hold health and beauty in high regard, then you should read this enlightening post destined for your eager eyes.
Unearth 3 concealed truths about Dioxins that will captivate your senses in this post. Because every girl should know about dioxins.
*Disclaimer: This post is F.Y.I. only. As with any health or wellness tip, ask your doctor first. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL: DR A quick post glance:
- Dioxins are what… ?
- Hidden fact 1 – Animal Products
- Hidden fact 2 – Personal Care Items
- Hidden fact 3 – Bleached Paper Products
Sound fancy? Okay, ladies. Let’s start!
1. Dioxins are what… ?
Dioxins, these enduring organic chemicals, do not fade away in the surroundings and persist as relentless environmental contaminants. Yikes! According to medicalnewstoday.com, Dioxins are highly toxic chemical compounds that can cause health problems such as cancer, hormonal imbalance, and immune suppression.
2. Hidden Fact 1
According to researchers, tremendous amounts of dioxins permeate animal products. To reduce your exposure to these harmful substances, opt for a diet filled mostly with organically grown fruits and vegetables, free from the lingering presence of pesticides and herbicides.
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3. Hidden Fact 2
According to wellness researchers, certain beauty and personal care items can also contain these organic chemicals. To minimize your exposure, researchers recommend visually inspecting your product for the presence of Triclosan. If this chemical is present, it has the potential to transform into dioxin, which can have adverse effects.
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4. Hidden Fact 3
Researchers assert that significant levels of dioxin chemicals are present in bleached paper products. To mitigate this, they recommend you reduce your consumption by refraining from using bleached paper items such as napkins, tissue, and paper towels consistently.
SUPER AWESOME SIDE NOTE: Researchers made a disconcerting discovery regarding the perils associated with exposure to dioxins. The potential consequences are unsettling, as they may lead to the development of cardiovascular and respiratory ailments.
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Major Takeaways
You now know 3 concealed truths about dioxins.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
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Cho, Angie. “What Is Dioxin? How to Avoid Toxin Dioxin.” Apartment Therapy, Apartment Therapy, LLC., 9 Sept. 2010, www.apartmenttherapy.com/toxin-dioxin-public-enemy-numb-126587. (Accessed: 12 December 2017)
MediLexicon International (2021) Dioxins: Definition, dangers, sources, types, and more, Medical News Today. Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/17685 (Accessed: 26 March 2024).
Pesatori, A C, et al. “Dioxin Exposure and Non-Malignant Health Effects: a Mortality Study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 1 Feb. 1998, oem.bmj.com/content/55/2/126.short. (Accessed: 12 December 2017)