5 Ingredients to Avoid to Make Your Body Happy (Part 1) | Awayion Beauty
Hi, Friends!
Your foods contain harmful and potentially dangerous ingredients capable of wreaking havoc on your body. In this captivating post, delve into the realm of 5 gnarly ingredients that you may want to steer clear of.
Brace yourself, for after absorbing this information, you could feel an irresistible urge to inspect every nook and cranny of your pantry and fridge.
This post, was a recent addition to our monthly series (circa 2017), is a captivating journey through the realm of food ingredients that could possess malevolent qualities or hold the potential to inflict harm.
In this post, unbox 5 gnarly ingredients lurking in food products that you must steer clear of to keep your body in a state of bliss. Because every girl should know what she is eating.
Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around about on social media for a few months now has finally been revealed… (its also why I have been MIA for a bit… ) Read on after this post for the juicy details.
*Disclaimer: As with any health tip, ask your doctor first. Please ask an honest licensed pro. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of fitness experts & dietary researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Amino Acids
- Albumin
- Ambergris
- Arachidyl Proprionate
- Artificial Color C & FD Food Coloring
Sound awesome? Okay, ladies, let’s start.
1. Amino Acids – Body Happy
To begin with, we can find Amino Acids in various sources of protein, both from plants and animals. Consuming it in moderation is considered acceptable. But, excessive intake can have detrimental effects. Digestion breaks down proteins, resulting in an increase in the body’s acidity level. To counter acidity, the body may extract calcium from bones.
Experts warn that an acidic body can cause illness. Not all amino acids are equally atrocious. That being said, it is advisable not to consume amino acids derived from non-plant sources.
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2. Albumin
Albumin, a protein notorious for triggering allergies, lurks in an array of tempting delicacies. It hides within the silky texture of egg whites, the crumbly goodness of cookies, the moistness of cakes, and even the sweetness of candies. Its presence is not limited to just desserts; it can also be found lingering in various wines. Be wary, for this protein often sets off an allergic reaction, sending shivers down your spine and causing discomfort.
That being said, below is a list of possible symptoms caused by consuming Albumin:
The symptoms are:
- itchy and watery eyes
- hives
- rashes
- redness
- swelling of the skin
- stomach cramps
- diarrhea
- constipation
- vomiting
- coughing
- asthma
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3. Ambergris
Ambergris, a fascinating ingredient derived from the intestines of whales, adds a unique touch to certain beverages. It exudes an alluring aroma and imparts a delightful flavor. Despite its unconventional origin, would you still feel inclined to indulge in the sensory experience it offers?
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4. Arachidyl Proprionate
Arachidyl Proprionate, a wax derived from animal fat, can also be found in insect repellent. Would you like to include this ingredient in tonight’s dinner?
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5. Artificial Color, C & FD Food Color
Artificial Color, C & FD Food Color, with their coal-tar origins. Their appearance, vivid and vibrant, catches the eye with their intense hues. However, beneath their visually appealing facade lies a hidden danger, as these ingredients have been found to harbor traces of lead and arsenic. These toxic elements can pose a potential threat to our health because experts classify them as potential carcinogens.
RELATED: Curious? Take a peak at more ingredients to avoid
Major Takeaways
You now unboxed 5 gnarly ingredients lurking in food products that you must steer clear of to keep your body in a state of bliss.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other ingredients to avoid?
Quick save this pin (psst… it’s FREE) from Awayion’s Truth About Food Board on Pinterest: @Awayion
Secret Juicy Details
Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here.
If you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us! 🙂
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Busch, Sandi. "Side Effects of Too Many Amino Acids." LIVESTRONG.COM. Leaf Group, 12 May 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.
Freedman, Rory, and Kim Barnouin. Skinny...: A No-nonsense, Tough-love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! Philadelphia, PA: Running, 2005. Print.
McClees, Heather. "3 Reasons Egg Whites Aren’t The Healthiest Choice." One Green Planet. N.p., 1 Dec. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2017
Scialdone, Mark A. "Formulations Containing Insect Repellent Compounds." Google Patents. E I Du Pont De Nemours And Company, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.