4 Reasons Your Skincare Routine Reeks + How to Make it Right – Try this | AWAYION BEAUTY
Hi, Friends!
So, you really want to know if your skincare routine reeks? (*wink, wink).
But you don’t want anyone else to know that you are damaging your skin?
If so, no worries!
In this post, discover 4 reasons your skincare routine could reek. Because every girl should have a fabulous beauty regime.
*Disclaimer: This post is not to be used as judgement on people who choose these methods. It is F.Y.I. only. As with any health tip or beauty hack, ask your doctor first. Please ask an honest licensed pro. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of wellness researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by Awayion.com.***
TL:DR A quick post glance:
- Tanning
- Wearing Makeup to Bed
- Not Getting Proper Rest
- Not Using Skin Protection
Sound interesting? Okay, ladies. Let’s start!
1. Tanning | Skincare Routine
For starters, if you want to burn your skin in this era of ultra-high and dangerous ultraviolet rays, be my guest. No judgement here.
Damaging Skincare Routine: Natural suntanning can cause cancers and major skin damage.
Pro Skincare Tip: Use an organic bronzer as a safe alternative to getting a sun-kissed look.
2. Wearing Makeup to Bed | Skincare Routine
If you want your husband to see an airbrushed version of you — via makeup — when he looks at you in the morning — it is your choice. But, do you know the cons?
Dangerous Skincare Routine: Wearing makeup to bed causes blemishes and wrinkles.
Pro Skincare Tip: Use baby-oil to remove your makeup. Next, wash your skin. Then, apply an organic moisturizer — such as lavender oil — before you rest.
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3. Not Getting Enough Sleep | Skincare Routine
If you want to be a night-owl, hey, that is your prerogative. More power to you.
Dangerous Skincare Routine: Not getting 7-8 hours of sleep can prevent daily skin-repair.
Pro Skincare Tip: Get a good night’s rest. The best sleep for amazing skin-repair occurs before midnight.
RELATED: Need beauty sleep? Do this.
4. Not Protecting Skin in Daylight
Neglecting sun protection isn’t ideal — if you want to keep youthful skin.
Dangerous Skincare Routine: Not applying sun protection daily causes exposed skin damage.
Pro Skincare Tip: Limit sun exposure, wear long-sleeves, and a hat daily to protect your skin.
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Major Takeaways
You now know 4 reasons your skincare routine could reek and how to fix dangerous skincare mistakes.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Know of other dangerous skincare routines?
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Five Common Skincare Mistakes - CHANEL Skincare. Five Common Skincare Mistakes - CHANEL Skincare. CHANEL Skincare, 08 July 2013. Web. 18 July 2017.