Hey! Got uneven eyes? Fix that… – Try this | AWAYION BEAUTY

Hi, Friends!

Ever wondered if there’s a non-surgical solution to fix your uneven eyes or asymmetrical eyes? Only to look in the mirror and not “see” a way out of this dilemma?

Bewildered? I see (*wink).

So, what options do you have?

Explore 3 remarkable non-surgical remedies that effortlessly rectify uneven eyes, in this post. Because every girl deserves to have perfectly balanced, captivating eyes.

Super Psst… the big secret I’ve been hinting around on social media for a few months now has been unveiled… (it’s why I have been MIA…). Read on after this post for the juicy details.

*Disclaimer: This post has zero affiliate links. As with any health tip or beauty hack, always check with your doctor first. Please see an honest licensed pro. Always do further research. We base these tips on the scientific findings of wellness experts & researchers. The sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of their personal views by Awayion.com.***

TL: DR A quick post glance:

  1. What causes uneven eyes?
  2. Fix inflammation 
  3. Eating grapes
  4. Get more sleep
  5. Chamomile tea time for symmetrical eyes

Sound eye-catching? Okay, Ladies. Let’s start

1. What causes uneven eyes?

uneven eyes

Uneven eyes, a common occurrence, can be attributed to various factors, such as genetics, injury, prolonged inflammation, or natural asymmetry in facial features.

Now that you understand the underlying causes, let’s delve deeper into the primary cause.

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2. Fix inflammation

Inflammation, with its detrimental effects on both the eyes and the body’s crucial functions, lies at the core of asymmetrical eyes. To rectify this imbalance, you must first embark on a journey to heal your body from inflammation. But how does this journey unfold? Allow me to provide you with a vivid glimpse.

3. Eating Grapes

uneven eyes

You can diminish the sight of uneven eyes caused by inflammation by indulging in the juicy sweetness of organic grapes. As you bite into these succulent fruits, the vibrant colors and refreshing scent awaken your senses. While the polyphenols present in grapes work their magic, reducing inflammation and assisting with droopy eyelids.

That being said, the high concentration of resveratrol within grapes acts as a shield against cellular aging, making them an excellent choice for maintaining youthful eyes.

So go ahead, savor the taste and experience the transformative effects as you snack on these delightful grapes, gradually improving the appearance of your uneven eyes.

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4. Get more sleep

You can diminish the visible asymmetry of your eyes simply by indulging in a blissful slumber (How to Fix Asymmetrical Eyes, 2020). Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, if you have insomnia, your body unleashes a torrent of inflammatory cytokines, surpassing the levels experienced by those who enjoy restful nights. It’s a well-known fact that lack of restorative sleep serves as a catalyst for rampant inflammation (10 Potential Causes of Chronic Inflammation, 2020).

That being said, picture this: as you drift off into a peaceful sleep, your body undergoes a miraculous regeneration process, while your immune system gently settles into a state of tranquility. Fancy, eh? So, immerse yourself in abundant beauty sleep and witness the remarkable reduction in the appearance of your uneven eyes.

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4. Chamomile tea time for symmetrical eyes

uneven eyesYou can diminish the appearance of uneven eyes caused by inflammation by using chamomile tea. Nice, eh?

Prepare chamomile tea bags, as they contain anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively treat this condition. Keep the tea bags in the refrigerator to cool them before gently placing them over your eyes. Feel the soothing coolness against your skin as you relax and leave them on for a refreshing 20 minutes. By incorporating this simple routine into your daily regimen, you could soon notice the beneficial effects. (Natural Remedies for Sagging Eyelids – Step To Health, 2020).

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Major Takeaways

You now know 3 remarkable non-surgical remedies that effortlessly rectify uneven eyes.

This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.

Know of other natural ways to fix uneven eyes?

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Secret Juicy Details

Ahh… so you are ready for the secret… hmm… you are. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer… I have authored my first juicy success book for you. Want success? – Click here.

https://t.me/s/awayionIf you find a typo, just know that it happens to all of us! 🙂

Facty. 2020. 10 Potential Causes Of Chronic Inflammation. [online] Available at: <https://facty.com/ailments/inflammation/10-potential-causes-of-chronic-inflammation/5/> [Accessed 11 August 2020].

Healthline. 2020. Asymmetrical Eyes: Causes And Treatment. [online] Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/health/asymmetrical-eyes#treatment> [Accessed 11 August 2020].

wikiHow. 2020. How To Fix Asymmetrical Eyes. [online] Available at: <https://www.wikihow.com/Fix-Asymmetrical-Eyes> [Accessed 11 August 2020].

Step To Health. 2020. Natural Remedies For Sagging Eyelids - Step To Health. [online] Available at: <https://steptohealth.com/natural-remedies-sagging-eyelids/> [Accessed 11 August 2020].