Does Walking Help You Lose Weight? | Awayion Beauty
Hi, Friends!
You dream about showing off your figure in your summer clothes, right?
But, losing the weight by summer is impossible.
What can you do?
In this post, discover 3 tantalizing facts about walking to lose weight. Because every girl should know how to lose weight.
*Disclaimer: As with any health tip, ask your doctor first. Please ask an honest licensed pro. Always do further research on what you consume. These tips are based on the scientific findings of fitness experts & dietary researchers. Also, the sources for this or any post does not equal a full endorsement of any their personal views by***
Sound fancy? Okay, ladies, let’s start.
1. Walking is a Moderate-intensity Physical Activity
For starters, walking helps to reduce your chances of injury while exercising. You cannot have a successful weight-loss if you are at risk of injury.
You can be successful at weight-loss and reducing potential injury — by walking.
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2. Keeps You From Chronic Illness
This is a simple health behavior that can reduces your body’s development of a chronic disease. You cannot achieve a healthy summer figure fast — if you have a chronic illness.
That said, you can lose weight and stay healthy with this habit. By briskly walking at 3 to 4 mph to fight off potential chronic illness.
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3. Tones the Whole Body
This low impact exercise leads to favorable effects on body composition. Brisk walking tones the body and leads to successful weight loss.
That’s right ladies, you can tone your body without fatigue. Or, rapid heart rate or breathing hard, or sore muscles. Now, this takes away your excuses to not workout.
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Major Takeaways
You now know how walking makes your weight-loss more successful.
This post is a part of Awayion Beauty. So make sure you come back for more powerful beauty tips.
Do you know of other walking weight-loss tips?
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Lee, I-MIN, and David M. BUCHNER. "The Importance of Walking to Public Health." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40.7 (2008): S512-518. 2008. Web. 4 Apr. 2017.
Parkkari, Jari, PhD, Antero Natri, PhD, Pekka Kannus, PhD, Ari Mänttäri, MSc, Raija Laukkanen, PhD, Heidi Haapasalo, PhD, Arja Nenonen, MSc, Matti Pasanen, MSc, Pekka Oja, PhD, and Ilkka Vuori, PhD. "A Controlled Trial of the Health Benefits of Regular Walking on a Golf Course." American Journal of Medicine 108.2 (2000): 102-08. 1 Aug. 2000. Web. 4 Apr. 2017.